Any business who deals with consumers needs to be fully aware of their obligations under the consumer laws that operate in Australia. If your business sells goods or services within Australia, there are many complex obligations under the Australian Competition and Consumer Act that you need to adhere to. Failure to comply with these laws can have disastrous consequences for your business and personal life. Australian Consumer Law places significant obligations on business owners to ensure that systems, procedures and documentation (including warranties) are reviewed carefully. Complaints need to be handled within the strict confines of the law.
Our key areas of Consumer Law expertise include:
- Compliance with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 requirements;
- Implied terms and conditions and warranties;
- False and misleading representation issues;
- Misleading and deceptive conduct issues;
- Unfair contracts;
- Advice on warranties;
- Product Safety and Liability;
- Electronic commerce;
- Price fixing and re-sale price maintenance issues;
- Boycott issues;
- Competition Law;
- Anti-competitive agreements and conduct;
- Exclusive dealing issues; and
- ACCC investigation and enforcement powers.
Our Legal Business Health Check can assist your business in identifying and complying with these important consumer protections.
FC Lawyers have over 25 years’ experience looking after business clients ensuring their personal and business assets are protected.
Contact our team today to discuss any questions relating to consumer law.