Our Blog
At fc lawyers we’re strong believers in giving back, we believe that we need to take an active role in the greater community to help create a better world for not just us, but everyone. Scroll down and see how we are continually engaging in the community to make a true difference.

Beware of de facto and shadow directors
Directors play an important role in any company whether private or public. They manage the companies’ affairs and business. Importantly they are responsible for setting the strategic direction of a company…
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Will your business be impacted by Australia’s new cyber security laws?
Australia now has it first stand-alone Cyber Security laws contained in the Cyber Security Legislative Package 2024. Three separate Bills have been passed and are currently awaiting royal assent which…
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Compliance Required for Brewing Manufacturing License in Queensland
Micro-breweries are become more common as people are finding a hobby that can turn into a business. But before you can get your brews to market, there are key legal…
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Australia’s new skills in demand visa
Australia has a new Skills in Demand (SID) Subclass 482 visa which has replaced the former Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Subclass 482 visa from 7 December 2024. This is a…
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Changes to transfer duty concession
Transfer duty, formerly known as stamp duty, is a state government tax payable on most transactions related to property. It is calculated based on the purchase price of the property…
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Bank Guarantees and Solicitors Certificates
We are often requested by clients to sign off on a guarantee or sign a solicitors certificate for a bank or lender in relation to a loan or mortgage. Unfortunately…
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ATO Clearance Certificate changes from 1 January 2025
In 2016 the Australian Taxation Office brought in new requirements for property sellers selling or transferring a property must apply for an ATO Clearance Certificate to provide to provide to…
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What do I do if I receive a statutory demand from the ATO?
Post COVID, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is taking a more aggressive stance in pursuing outstanding tax debts of corporations. Generally, prior to the ATO issuing a statutory demand to…
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Privacy laws for business heading for a new era in Australia
The Senate passed the The Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (Cth) (Bill) on the 28 November 2024. The Bill is currently awaiting Royal Assent and once that occurs it will…
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Dismissals – What about breach of contract?
The High Court’s decision in Elisha v Vision Australia Limited (2024) is a timely reminder to employers that even if they have reasonable and defensible grounds to dismiss an employee…
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Can you start a business in Australia as a foreigner?
We are often asked by foreign nationals if they can start a business in Australia or if they can buy into an established business in Australia. The simple answer is…
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How do I resolve a contractual dispute?
As lawyers we advise clients daily in relation to contracts whether of a business or personal nature and frequently have to deal with disputes arising out of those contracts. Contracts…
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