Understanding Lease Options in Queensland

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When it comes to renting or leasing commercial or residential property in Queensland, tenants, and landlords often encounter the term lease option.

What is a Lease Option?

A lease option, commonly known as an option, is an arrangement within a lease agreement that grants the tenant the right, but not the obligation, to extend the lease for an agreed upon length of time. It essentially provides the tenant with a choice or ‘option’ to proceed with the extension of the lease once the initial lease term ends.

Benefits for Tenants and Landlords

A lease option provides a valuable opportunity for both parties, offering flexibility and potential advantages that can benefit those involved in the lease agreement.

Benefits for Tenants


Lease options offer tenants’ flexibility in deciding whether to continue renting the property or extend the lease, providing time to assess the suitability of the property for their needs.

Locking in Future Term

Options can vary in duration and number of years. This can help a tenant feel more secure about putting funds into renovations, branding and reputation in a specific location.

Benefits for Landlords

Tenant Attraction

Lease options can attract potential tenants as they provide an additional incentive and flexibility, potentially reducing vacancies.

Stable Income

Landlords can secure a stable income stream and have a greater assurance that their property will continue to stay occupied. While tenants are not obligated to exercise their option, often the choice of the ease of staying or moving and starting a new tenancy, convenience of not moving will be a good motivational tool for tenants to remain.

Key Considerations for Lease Options

As a tenant or a landlord, there are many considerations to take place when drafting a lease that includes options. While the tenant will have a right to exercise an option, the landlord typically has the right to increase rent to a ‘market value’ – but this will always depend what the lease says. Negotiating the right language is crucial.

Clarity in Terms

Clear and comprehensive terms within the lease agreement regarding the lease option are crucial for avoiding misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

Legal Advice

Seeking legal advice before finalizing a lease option is advisable for both landlords and tenants to ensure a proper understanding of rights, obligations, and legal implications.

Negotiation and Documentation

Careful negotiation and documentation of the lease option terms are essential to protect the interests of both parties involved.

Lease options in Queensland offer a valuable opportunity for both tenants and landlords, providing flexibility and potential benefits beyond the standard lease agreement.

Understanding the types of lease options, their implications, and ensuring clarity in the terms can lead to a mutually beneficial arrangement for all parties involved in the lease agreement.

Whether considering one long lease option or several short options, tenants and landlords should approach lease options thoughtfully and with a clear understanding of their rights and obligations. We can assist with this advice. Contact our team of business and commercial lawyers today to discuss your lease options in Queensland.

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