Compliance Required for Brewing Manufacturing License in Queensland

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Micro-breweries are become more common as people are finding a hobby that can turn into a business. But before you can get your brews to market, there are key legal and regulatory steps you must follow. Missing these steps can cost you and your business severe penalties or loss of business when not properly considered from the beginning.

Understand the Requirements for a Brewing Manufacturing License in Queensland

When starting a brewing business, a company must register with both the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the state office who regulates liquor. In Queensland, this is the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulations (OLGR).

Before brewing, a company must seek prior approval from the ATO before commencing production of alcoholic beverages. This is a crucial step because it ensures compliance with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) laws and excise duty regulations.

Excise duty regulations are taxes on the production, manufacture, sale, or distribution of goods.

The next step is to obtain a brewing manufacturing license, which is a legal requirement for any business intending to produce, manufacture, or package alcoholic beverages, including beer, for commercial purposes in Queensland.

To obtain this license, a company must demonstrate that you meet all the necessary operational, financial, and legal requirements.

Comply with Health, Safety, and Environmental Standards

A brewery must comply with strict health, safety, and environmental regulations. This includes adhering to local fire codes, occupational health and safety laws, and environmental impact regulations. A site inspection may be required.

Ongoing Compliance

After receiving approval, a brewery will need to comply with ongoing reporting requirements to the ATO.

This includes regular excise returns, which outline the volume of alcohol produced and the excise duties owed. You’ll also be subject to audits by the ATO to ensure compliance.

Why Both Approvals are Important

The brewing manufacturing license and ATO prior approval are both critical components of launching a successful brewing business in Queensland. The brewing license ensures a company is compliant with state regulations, while the ATO approval guarantees a business is legally handling excise duties and tax obligations.

Failure to secure either approval can lead to significant legal and financial penalties. For instance, brewing without the proper license can result in fines or closure of an operation, while not meeting ATO excise requirements can lead to hefty back taxes, interest, and even criminal charges in severe cases.

Navigating the regulatory requirements to open a brewery in Queensland may seem complex, but it’s crucial for ensuring that your business operates legally and smoothly. By following the required steps to obtain your brewing manufacturing license from OLGR and securing prior approval from the ATO, you can focus on brewing quality products while staying compliant with Australian law.

Make sure to keep up with ongoing reporting, renew your licenses and approvals as necessary, and stay informed about any changes in regulations. With the right preparation and attention to detail, you’ll be on your way to brewing success in Queensland!

Contact our team today to discuss your options.

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